Love First Aid

Love First Aid

Welcome to Love First Aid, the podcast where we confront the reality of modern marriage and relationships head on. In a world where the grass always seems to be greener on the other side, and the allure of instant gratification can strain even the strongest of bonds, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters in a relationship. But couples can weather these storms and emerge stronger than ever. If you're grappling with difficulties in your relationship, be it overcoming addiction, betrayal, or grief, or looking at your partner and saying, "I'm not sure I even know you, let alone do I like you", know that you're not navigating this journey alone. It's essential to understand that healing doesn't always necessitate an equal share of the load from both partners. Sometimes initiating that first step towards healing, even from just one person, can set the stage for the rest to follow suit. Here's to healthier, happier, more well-adjusted relationships. Welcome to love First Aid.

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