The Dr. Gundry Podcast

What your doctor DIDN'T tell you about the pill.

Think calling someone hormonal is an insult? Think again. Every single person on the planet is FILLED with hormones (yes, that includes men!). But some people's bodies do a better job regulating them - and other people need help.Sadly, many "routine" practices in women's health care (particularly ones relating to hormones) are often misguided, shortsighted... even archaic.Fortunately, my guest, Dr. Jolene Brighten, is working to change that.Dr. Brighten is a speaker, author, nutritional biochemist, and naturopathic medical doctor who focuses on women's endocrine health. She has helped thousands of women address the root causes of chronic pain, acne, anxiety, and other symptoms - helping them regain control of their health.Dr. Brighten is also an expert on fertility, Post-Birth Control Syndrome, and the long-term effects associated with hormonal birth control.During this episode, we'll discuss the long-term effects of using synthetic birth control and how many doctors are inadvertently hurting their female patients.We'll also discuss Dr. Brighten's holistic approach to women's health care and what YOU can do to balance your hormones at any age.(Husbands, boyfriends, dads, and brothers - you'll want to listen to this too! The more you know about the women in your life, the better.)Dr. Brighten has some amazing insights on how to feel your very best, so you don't want to miss this. 

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