The Jordan Harbinger Show

278: My Mother Lied About Our Father's Death | Feedback Friday

When you were kids, you and your brother moved to the other side of the country with your mother and stepfather not long after your parents divorced. You never saw your father again, and believed your mother when she said that he and his mother -- your grandmother -- had died. Fast forward to now. You and your brother are adults, and he's got a bombshell to drop: your grandmother is still alive, and your father only recently passed away. Feeling betrayed, you've pieced together your mother and stepfather's systematic strategy to estrange you from your dad's side of the family (who, by the way, tried to find you over that time without success) -- and you're angry. You feel robbed of the time you could have spent with them, and you're wondering how you should raise the issue with your mother -- or if you should. This is obviously a sensitive situation, but we'll do our best to help you with this and more on the latest Feedback Friday.

And in case you didn't already know it, Jordan Harbinger (@JordanHarbinger) and Jason DeFillippo (@jpdef) banter and take your comments and questions for Feedback Friday right here every week! If you want us to answer your question, register your feedback, or tell your story on one of our upcoming weekly Feedback Friday episodes, drop us a line at Now let's dive in!

Full show notes and resources can be found here:

On This Week's Feedback Friday, We Discuss:

  • Interested in doing some prison time with Jordan next February? It's filling up fast; reach out to for details!
  • When you have to cover for your kid's friend's expenses on a movie and pizza night because his mom neglected to provide him with any cash, is it wrong for you to expect his mother to recompensate you for those expenses even though she works two jobs and says you look like you can afford it?
  • Your 80-year-old grandmother insists on bringing your bedridden and nonverbal father home instead of putting him in a place where he can get the constant care he needs. Putting your grandmother's strong will aside, what's the most responsible call to make here?
  • As kids, you and your brother moved across the country with your mom when your parents divorced. Until recently, you never saw your dad's side of the family again because, your brother recently discovered, your mom lied about your father and your grandmother's deaths. How do you confront your mother -- or should you?
  • You have a serious case of wanderlust. You have no debt, no children, and above average savings. But your friends and family look at you like you're insane whenever you mention leaving a job you love in order to travel. You know that the amazing experiences will be worth it, but can't help but wonder: are you crazy?
  • You work in an incredibly cutthroat sales company where only 10%-15% of employees hired retain their employment, and you're in that top 15%. But you don't love your job and only stick around because you've got the "golden handcuffs" to keep you tethered. You're an underperforming high performer. What's next?
  • You and your significant other own and operate a successful video and production studio. What makes you stand out from competition is proprietary, and you're not eager to spill the secret sauce to hired help. But you could use the help to grow, so you're torn. How might you employ help without worrying about losing that sauce?
  • Your significant other is jealous of the attention you give your puppy. But she's an innocent being that you committed a lifetime of love and care to when you got her, and you're not just going to start neglecting her when this significant other is around just because they don't like it. Is this a relationship impasse?
  • You have a nephew and a niece, but you really only bond with the nephew -- seeing him twice a month to your niece's twice a year. But here' s the rub: you promised to pay for your nephew's college because he's like a son to you, but you don't feel obligated to extend the same offer to your niece. Is this fair?
  • Life Pro Tip: Inflation is currently ~2% per year. If you are not getting more than that per year as a raise, you are getting a pay cut. Make sure to take inflation into account when you get a raise.
  • Recommendation of the Week: The Devil Next Door
  • A quick shout out to Kasey, who puts this show at top priority of what gets listened to! We appreciate it more than you know!
  • Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at!
  • Connect with Jordan on Twitter at @JordanHarbinger and Instagram at @jordanharbinger.
  • Connect with Jason on Twitter at @jpdef and Instagram at @JPD, join his podcasting club, and check out his other show: Grumpy Old Geeks.

Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at!

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